Best ways on how to save money & boost your income
Are you looking for some really good tips on how to save money? Are you struggling to build up your savings account? Are you saving for a deposit for a house or for something else? Would you like to discover different ways on how to boost up your income? Here you’ll find the answers to all these questions and all the information needed in order to have a good plan to save the desired amount and achieve your goal. Especially during a pandemic or a recession it might be a little more difficult to save as by spending more time at home we might sometimes get bored and are more likely to shop more frequently online and overspend. We all have different reasons to save for and what is crucial is to make a good plan and stick to it because it won’t always be easy to do that. Let’s start by sharing all the different strategies which have shown to be effective for myself and which I still use nowadays.
Starting with a good strategic plan, as I previously mentioned, is one of the main steps to save money but first of all, you need to have a quick look at your finances and write down your income and expenses. Once you have done that then you can have a clear view of what amount you can save each week or month depending how often you get paid from your main job. If you are experiencing some financial difficulties or would like some ideas on how to invest your money you might want to first check out the post “How to resolve your finances and get back on track”. So going back to the plan, you need to make sure that it is constant, that you keep an eye on your spending and that you check your savings growing monthly as that will motivate you to continue with it. A great way to make sure that you save a sum of money every month is to set up a standing order from your current account to your savings account. Though I personally find it much more exciting to manually transfer the money as it is my way to keep motivated.
Making it as a daily habit could be a really good way to put aside a sum every month from your income but also to keep saving more money for example from your daily shopping. A good trick is buying supermarket brands instead of going for a well-known brand. For example, buy Sainsbury’s (English store) toilet paper instead of a more expensive famous brand. Sometimes you don’t even lose out on quality but you are specifically paying for the brand but your focus is to save money and you need to be serious about it if you want to really succeed. At the beginning you might struggle especially if you have been used to buying expensive food or items but eventually it will automatically be a part of your daily habit. Another way of saving is to buy second hand items on eBay or from a charity shop instead of paying for the full amount. Particularly parents who need some children accessories might not want to spend too much money for something which will be kept for a short time. In my village for example people (including myself) tend to post on the local Facebook free unwanted items to collectors which is a fantastic way to declutter your home but also to help your community.
A brilliant way of saving money is to buy clothes, home furnishing and accessories, tech products and gadgets which are on sale during different times of the year. Particularly during special events such as Mother’s day, Christmas and Easter holidays, Father’s day, black Friday, Summer and Winter sales, Valentine’s day etc. you can get good discounts not just in stores but especially shopping online. A brilliant place to shop on the Internet is on Groupon where you can save so much money not just on items but also on holidays, hair cuts, facial, massage, golf classes, flight training, photography courses, writing course and anything else that you would like to do! Check it out by clicking on the link
Borrow some money from your family and give it back on an agreed amount monthly. If you have the opportunity to borrow a good amount of money for a house deposit or to buy a car from your parents or even from a close friend then take it. In comparison, if you were to take out a loan you would have to pay some very high interests on the sum which you are borrowing. Another negative aspect is that paying rent whilst you are trying to save for a house is harder as you will not be able to save a lot of money and plus you are pretty much throwing money away every single month. Of course I can understand that this option will not always be available to everyone (including myself) and take into account that it is still a debt. My advice is that if you can wait longer to save for your own deposit it might be better as that will e any kind of pressure from you. Do you have some great saving tips to share with the community? Don’t be shy and write them down below in the comment!
Below find some brilliant tips on how to make extra money
There are many ways on how to make money but one obvious way is to get a second job. I would strongly advise if you can and get the opportunity to go for a second job that you love doing. This is because if you are unhappy in your present main job the second one could eventually turn out to be a full time job in the future, of course after you have saved the desired amount needed. Sometimes we also don’t realise that we are stuck in a job that we are not truly passionate about for many years and where we don’t really perform 100% and life is too short to feel worthless and unappreciated. Besides it can affect your mood and your general health and if that happens it will be very unlikely that you will be able to work and save money. For tips on how to keep healthy and discover the secrets of youth check out the post “The secrets of longevity and how to look and feel younger”.
Another great tip that I can share with you is to sell some of your unwanted items on eBay or maybe in a carboot sale. Years ago when I moved to Spain (I lived there for 4 years) my partner and I decided to get rid of lots of our things to make the whole moving process cheaper and easier. It also felt good not just for the amount of money that we made and that we could put it towards our shipping costs, but also to declutter our home and eventually gain more space in the new one. Check out the post “Tips on how to declutter and organise your space”.
A fantastic way to make money and acquire new skills is to start to share a hobby which you are passionate about through YouTube, blogging, writing a book about it etc. This step was for me a total life changing experience as I started to write content on this site for fun, pleasure, for a purpose to share my ideas and skills and to help people but in the end it turned out to become a career as a content creator administrator in my new company. Through writing content on this site I gained lots of knowledge on different kinds of skills needed for my present job and even if at first I found it tiring and challenging I am so glad that I made that step. Also I would like to say that as I went into a private ballet school I never went to University so what I have achieved purely came from hard work and perseverance. I just want to share this with you because I want to show you that nothing is impossible in life as long as you are committed and believe in yourself! What do you think about that? Please leave a comment down below if you would like to share any thoughts!
Check out the post "Effective strategies on how to make money on YouTube"
Remember that looking after your health is very important so if you feel that stress is taking over your life then you might want to read the post "Healthy life: how to prevent & manage stress effectively"
Check out the page "Knowledge growth resources" if you would like to expand your personal knowledge & job skills
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